The brainchild of Dr. Tai Thong Ming, Omin International Sdn. Bhd. was established to empower lives with technology. The idea was to develop an e-commerce eco-system across all channels that would add value and convenience to the way we live, work and play in our digitalized society.

Omin was established based on FOUR key principles

Convenience to elevate lifestyle

Developing an efficient e-commerce eco-system that adds convenience to the daily lives of both individuals and businesses.

Technology redefines business

Creating the flexibility by providing technological solutions that eliminate the hassle and barriers of conventional business practice.

Innovation to stay competitive

Continuously improving through innovation to provide a seamless ecosystem that stays ahead of trends and keeps pace with predicted e-Commerce changes.

Time for things that matter

Employing time saving measures through effective technological solutions that allow you to spend more time with friends and loved ones.



To provide a quality and convenient techno-lifestyle
We are committed to implementing innovative solutions with an e ective and seamless e-commerce platform that contributes to the creation of a quality and convenient living environment.


To establish the best e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia.
We understand the vast potential of the Southeast and are devoted to providing a dynamic, seamless and integrated e-commerce platform that connects countries in the region.
To create an innovative platform that will unleash new talent.
We believe people are the greatest asset of any company and strive to empower them to seize opportunities and unleash their potential.